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Extraction Post-Operative Care Sheet - Long Island City, NY 11101.

Just in case you need some guidance on what to do after having a tooth removed! Courtesy of Jackson Ave Dental, your friendly neighborhood long island city dentist office!

For the first 24 hours

(Basically your first night after the tooth extraction)


Things to avoid after tooth extraction:​


Allow your body to form a good blood clot in order to start the natural healing process.

  • Bite down on the gauze and keep firm pressure.

  • Switch out the gauze every 30 minutes.

  • Once a good clot has been formed you may remove the gauze.

  • Please do not eat or sleep with the gauze in your mouth.

  • If you run out of gauze, you may use an alternative.


* If persistent bleeding continues after several hours: 

  1. Rinse the mouth with warm water and gently wipe away old blood clots that appear outside the socket.

  2. Cover the bleeding site with a moist gauze pad and bite down with constant firm pressure for 60 minutes.

  3. If there is still bleeding after a few more hours, place a small moist black tea bag over the area of surgery and bite down with pressure for 60 minutes. The tannic acid from the tea helps form a clot by contracting bleeding vessels.

  4. Keep your head elevated and apply ice.

  5. If bleeding does not stop, call our LIC office.


Managing the swelling:

  • Use a cold compress for 20 mins on the face and 20 mins off.

  • Alternate so that you don't get frost bite.


It is okay to take a hot shower or bath, it'll help you relax, warm you up and calm you down.



After 24 hours


How can I make my tooth extraction heal faster?

Start rinsing with a cup of warm salt water after every meal so that food and other particles don't get stuck up in the extraction socket. Food getting stuck in the hole will delay the healing process.


There are many benefits to rinsing with saline such as faster wound healing.


Chlorhexidine mouthwash

If you were given chlorhexidine, you may begin rinsing with it twice a day for up to 2 weeks total.




For the next 3-5 days

* No smoking, you can risk developing a painful dry socket which will prolong the healing time.



  • Eat only soft foods (dairy) and avoid hard, spicy, and acidic foods.

  • Return to normal meals once you are ready

  • Stay hydrated and drink a lot of water

  • If you are diabetic, maintain your diet and check blood-sugar levels frequently


Activity: Rest and avoid strenuous activities for the next 3 days, then carefully return to full activity the next 2 days. Keeping low blood pressure will reduce bleeding and aid with healing.


Pain management: The pain should peak within 48-72 hours and then subside from there.


* If your sinus was involved in the procedure, avoid blowing your nose or playing a wind musical instrument for at least 1 week. Use of a decongestant medication might be recommended.


Prescriptions & Medications


Antibiotics - If given an antibiotic,take all of them as directed until they are gone. (Women: some antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills. Use alternate birth control for 2 months.)


Ibuprofen - Take prescribed medication as instructed on the label and do not exceed dosage. Take the medication with food. Do not take the max dosage of ibuprofen for more than 10 days straight because it can damage your stomach. Avoid driving and operating heavy machinery, do not drink alcohol or make legal decisions while taking a narcotic. 




Side Effects:


  • Pain - discomfort after surgery is normal. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen helps prevent inflammation. They are most effective when taken before the anesthesia wears off!

  • Nausea - Often caused by taking pain medication on an empty stomach. You can reduce nausea by taking the medication with a meal.

  • Swelling - It is important to ice the area for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, then repeat for the first 48 hours except while sleeping. Use moist Heat (i.e. hot wash cloth) 5 days after the procedure, and no longer use ice. Use the same method of 20 minutes on & 20 minutes off.

  • Canker sores - The stress from the procedure may cause a canker sore, which should resolve on its own within 14 days.





  • There is uncontrollable bleeding or pain

  • Experiencing a fever

  • Excessive warm swelling occuring a few days after the procedure

  • If you are having an allergic reaction to one of the medications such as swelling or difficulty breathing

Our Phone number is (718) 358 - 3307 or email at

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